Shropshire Council is the Highways Authority, responsible for management of the roads in the Parish.
With over 5,000 kilometres of roads, cycleways, footpaths and verges in Shropshire, it isn’t possible for Shropshire Council to inspect all of the network all of the time. You can help them by reporting any maintenance problems you see.
Potholes can be reported on the Shropshire Council website, or an effective way of reporting problems such as blocked gullies, potholes, faulty street lighting, damaged road signs, is to use the website at FixMyStreet
Public Rights of Way:
Rights of Way data is not viewable below 1:10000 scale. The linked General Map below is a working copy – the public rights of way have been taken from Shropshire Council’s Definitive Map. This is not the Definitive Map and cannot be regarded as the legal record of public rights of way. It is guidance provided for indicative purposes only. This is particularly important when there are legal consequences arising from information obtained from the Map.
The Definitive Map may be viewed by appointment at Shrewsbury Library – Tel: 01743 255308.
Shropshire Council’s General Map Viewer